薏诉空间: 12/06/2010


12 June 2010

Tx Pxxnt~~~
I very beh song lor>.<"
told me tat Sat open till 1pm~
but when I reach thre~the gate is closed!!!
tat time juz bout 10am oni leh~
Wat the hell la!! )@#$%(#$($(*$&*()*$$$%

ps*Beh~sorry for tat day...
I als the dupe of tat dishonest company


On nite~attend to my cousin's wedding...
sorry for cant show some photo~even 1 photo ^0^
for ur all information...I'm not gud wif them even my father als
noe Y??? wan to noe ma???
Dun wan tell u~haha^0^

2molo back M'cca lor~
haiz.....cant online again(>_<)

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