薏诉空间: 30/07/2010


30 July 2010

Yeah~finally i back Bahau dy....
but juz for a while oni~bout 10 min
after tat~straight forward go S'ban....
go shopping~shopping gaogao^0^
used RM200 in 45 mins~~~
wow....so syok!!haha
Act my purpose go S'ban is company my mom in hospital
haiz~her leg....
dunno when can recover >.<" annoying!!!
hope u get well soon la....den we can have our family trip lor^^
[I'm wishing tis year we can go Pulau Redang...coz I never go thre b4 T.T ]
Another is~~~Business management....
next monday...mid-term!!!!sucks......!#$%^&^%$!$
I cant read(no mood to read it)
and dun wan to stdy it~haha
I noe it's impossible~coz I've to face it..........
haiz~sienz la...
Juz now go S'ban parade~buy something....
wan to show here de...but~lazy to take picture^0^
nvmla~next time xin =p
bought 2 Dvd~1 high-heel & treat my family GCB^0^
hahaha GCB~like it very much...i ate 2 time in two days^^"

Now~wat i wan to do???
wan stdy but no mood~so bad la............

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