薏诉空间: 20/09/2010


20 September 2010

Juz d same~i'm be bursting to blogging again><"
Dunno Y~I'm addicted wif blogging....

like wat i said in older post.....
"blog juz like an exposure diary..."

I'm addicted to wrte diary since i in PLKN...
diary can record all of our memory~no matter wat happend...
along wif d high-tech nowaday~no more diary book,all change to blogging

I like blogging~but i cant updte it frequently......
as u all infmtn..I'm online via broadband borrow frm my sister-Mikey Oh

TM!!! u make me angry><"WTF%@$^*#%^
we apply since June~now dy end of Sept leh!!!
damn u~wat a gud efficiency of work??!!!!!
I hate 马来'@' I hate brainless~useless~idiot马来 '@'

haiz~~~juz finish my 1st final sbj....
it's ok for me~no difficulty...but still got few question blank de=="
chinese got a sentence: “好的开始就是好的预兆”means a gud begin is a gud sign for d next
hope tat my next next sbj all can do roll one's hoop ba~


dunno y aftr econ~i straight no mood....sienz ==""
2molo is d sbj tat i oni like in all sbjc I taken in 1st sem...
~ DBM5018 ~ Business Math

have in remembrance my math is worse in secondary skul...
and my add math als damn bad de><"
i felt weird y I'm so so interest wif math in my U-life @@
mayb is other sbjc too too boring jor~all nid memorize...
d most thing i hate de~~MEMORIZE.........

hve to take a nap 1st~aftr tat oni do math exercise....haha
sleep now & wake up wat time??? I dunno^0^
Rainy day~i like it...Nitez evry1 U.UZzzzz


today my cousin's birthday......
~JunHua~hapi bufday^^
sry ya~A Ye jiejie cant c'brte wif u...4gve me k??
*ps~wan show his QQ photo but din hve>.<"srry....haha

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