薏诉空间: Before My "War" Days Begin...

Before My "War" Days Begin...

12 September 2010

11th Sep 2010

i spend my 1 weeks holiday in Bahau
by doing nothing....

waste my study week oni><"
nvm...still got a week for me for prepare

have to put many many many effort on revision lor~~
especially in d subject nid to memorize@@

I hate memorize!!><"

Hope tat all my subject can pass roll one's hoop~~ same to my frenz als.....add oil add oil

~ DP25&26 ~ Gambateh! ^.^V!

in my holiday~i reli relax...
enjoy it by doing homework
"cleanning house"

m i a gud gud gul??
i think so^0^

12th Sept 2010

~ Sunday ~

its a different sun in my life....
normally on Sun morning,I'll woke up by my parent for breakfast..
but today~no wor...i als dunno y de^0^
its ok lor~i can wake up late late~hehe

but hor~~my stomach bikin hal><"
mayb coz of ystrdy malay's food not clean
make me"lao sai" >_<"

pain till i wake up....

Ltr wan bek M'cca jor~~
wan fight for Final jor...
gambateh lor ^.^

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