薏诉空间: 4th Jan 2013

4th Jan 2013

04 January 2013

Everyone was posting about this today...It was a beautiful and meaningful date
In mandarin language, it has the hidden meaning as "I love you forever-我爱你一生一世"
Hoping my Mr. Right will marry me in this meaningful date @@"
I'm a normal girl~Ok?! Lolz
Dreaming or fantasy some romance is normal la =D

For me~today is meaningful as well, because...I'm having my freedom right now!
Finally I ended my Industrial Training period!! Happy till the MAX!!! Hahahaha
Not any words can describe my feeling now~felt free, happy, nice, Good etc.
I feel Good~~~ =D

I need not to sit on the chair whole noon...
I need not stay in the small room alone...
I need not being scold by the "Boss"...
I need not to talk to those LCLY people...
I need not wake up so early in morning...
I need not to stuck in the traffic jam...

But~~~this kind of situation might be appear in my future life!! Oh Gosh~!!!
I don't want this~please!! T.T

Btw, I've learned a lot in the training. It's truth!
A million~billion~trillion thanks to "Lady Boss"
Thanks for your patient in guiding and teaching me.
Thanks for your lunch in Old Town Cafe.
Thanks for your spaghetti.
Thanks for your "Mian Fen Gao".
Thanks for your mini wallet from Phuket.
Thanks for your 100 plus isotonic drinks.
Thanks for your "Tang Yuan".
Thanks for your "Liang Cha".
Thanks for your everything and not forgotten...
Thanks for your "Scolding"

You let me to be stronger and tougher now
You're my stepping stone before I enter the society
Much appreciate and thanks from Me!
~Jeslyn Lee~

ps:// forgot to take the last photo in company, it's ok at least I've took few when newly entry the company^^' can keep as memory

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