薏诉空间: 29/03/2009


29 March 2010

Actually..today is my lovely father's birthday

(my father~left handside....)

but~we din celebrate wif him>.<"
so sorry bout tat....

I'll make it up to u next year^.^


tis few day~

somethin bothered me >.<"

I dunno whether I wan accept the offers or not...

last week~a call from Masa College inform me,

tat i was choosen to go their college


the thing bothered me is....

the college was not famous,

somemore..I've never heard the name of it

is tat gud for me if i accept the offer~


the answer~


I accepted the offer >.<"

and~the opening day is 5th of Apr..

another 1 week for me to prepare~

haiz >.<"

hope tat my choice was right lor~

Gud Luck to mE

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