薏诉空间: 28/04/2010


28 April 2010

haiz~today reli bad mood....
I juz get the bad news tis morning~

I'm a diabetic...... >.<"
all tis is bcoz of heredity frm my family....
shit!!I hate IT!!!!
reli2 hate it!!!M? de~^$%$!$^&^*

I hate it~but...wat can i do???
nothin ma...juz can accpt lorT_T

From now~i got to refrain from sugar
Sugar're prohibited in my life now....
no more candy~no more chochlte~no more carbornte drink
no more no more no more......

so~my frenz....pls dun gve me candy or any sweet thing as my gift
I cant eat them anymore~n btter dun eat....
Tis is for my own gud [consoling myselft =.=]

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