薏诉空间: R.I.P Romeo...

R.I.P Romeo...

16 April 2010

OMG~reli a hugness bad news to me >.<" damn sad
my fren~Romeo passed away last Fri....
and me juz get the news 2dy~through viewed his fb profle
wat kind of fren is tis...damn bad la me

the last time he contct me is~i als 4gt wat date jor
tat time he mssge me n said he was sicked
he was very suffer at tat tme...but wat can i do???
i can do nothin ma~juz accmpny him lor....

It was deep regret tat noe his death....
n a shame is tat nite he said wan hear my voice,
but i din allowed he to cal me~
coz patient nid more rest ma,sommore d late[bout 2++am]

so stupd me>.<" y i din allwd he to call me~
now~i can't hear his voice again....
It was impossible now~

He was a damn nice ppl~friendly n a persn tat full of hapiness
but y the most gud ppl must gone early~
no1 can answer me ba.....

arghh~~I can't b'lve it!!!!!
It was not a truth rite???
It was juz a joke rite???
Romeo still alive rite???
How can I accpt tat in a short tme??!! T_T

as I noe~he died bcoz of accidnt...and his left side face was crushed
MG~tat is damn pain lor....so sorry heard tat :-(

His funeral was on 13/04/2010 at his hometown
Rest In Peace~Romeo
I'll nvr 4gt u guy.....
and ur baby~I'll treasure n tke cre of him ^.^

anothr is~I'll nvr 4gt our "1st date" ^,^
7th Feb 2010 in KSP,Mantin
than'x ur baby & KFC....
anothr nice memories to me~

Hope u gud in heaven~
Bye Romeo...
Miz u 4evr~

the last pictre taken...won in bowling compettn 2nd plce

last pctre wif his fren~ [07/04/2010]

the pctre most I lke in his prfle^^"

R.I.P 19 June 91-09 April 10

remains of meo T_T

funeral on 13/04/10

hope his family can stay grimly without him

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