薏诉空间: Wenye


06 April 2010


evryday juz stay at home
other than watch movie~juz can onlne lor

an idea sudden appeared^,^

posting some picture of my changes~

the pics below is frm Jan of 2009-Apr of 2010
can appreciate slowly ^,^
hehe =p

Jan 09
ps:// bifday wif sick >.<"

Feb 09
Pahang,Kuala gandah trip

Mar 09

Granmom house^,^

Apr 09

May 09

June 09

grisly~H1N1 @@

Oct 09
ps://New Phone ^^5530XM

Nov 09

new pupy^^Miyo
but "she" died T.T

Dec 09

travel to Cameon Hghland....

Jan 2010
ps://B'dy celebrated in KSP

b4 go camp~

Feb 10 [in camp]

Mar 10

Hormat ^.^"
Apr 10

looks slim ^,^"hehe

lke tis~my newest wallpappr =p

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