薏诉空间: 16/o7/010


16 July 2010

Halo~It's time to write something le...
Aldy 1 month++ I moved to M'cca...d life still ok la

As u noe~M'cca is a boring town
so~it's nothing special in my new life >.<"
Lets see some pictures taken by mE =p

1.The view from d living room of aprmnt~is't nice??^^

2.The nite we hang out wif Jack Chew~a crazy nite

3.@@ my Business Math 1st tut exr.....suck!!

4.Everday a yakult~gud for health ^^

5.D point of tis pic is d carbonate drink on d lower stage of d fresh^0^
38 de me~saw it at MMU Din's Cafe...so old de drink leh~

No more~no more

haha^0^ is my turn la~

laptop's webcam~so bad.....=="

haha~juz found something....

tell u all hor~my pose when taking pic all is V de ^0^

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