
02 July 2010

Yo~finally can update my blog....
whoow~as u all information...U-life is not easy as what u think

In U-life...u've to do many coursework
especially assigment....=="

1 subject 1 assignment~in 1st sem i've 6 subjct...
means tat i've 6 assignment to complete@@
damn la~so suck!!!(I'm trying not to b so rude de...but failed to do so^.^")

Another is bout d text book lor~
all is above RM90 de....walao~Y so expensive de leh??
some of them juz can use for 1 sem oni leh~

juz a word can use to describe~tat is Vampire @@

to b continue la~haha
wan back home dy....bYe ^^

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