薏诉空间: 11-4-11


11 April 2011

Y evry1 is become more and more beautiful..but not including Me????

Izit tat is my problem???

Am I too lazy in dress up myself???

hurm~~mayb I am lazy la XDD


Now is not the time for me to dress up myself with Fashion

at least I'm not so out dated...old-fashioned ^^

I've to put more and more effort in my uni-life...

tis is my Target for the next 3 years

I wish tat I'll not let my father down in the future

and also my mom tat juz leave us 3 month ago

I promise Myself...

I'll make every effort in my study!


I found tat my blog style has changed ^,^

as my last year style.....

I like to post a photo with my evry post

but now...

U still can see some pictures

but juz few oni la XDDD