薏诉空间: 16 July 2012

16 July 2012

16 July 2012

Look back my previous post...It has been 2 months ago
Q: Are you so busy until cannot update your blog?
A: Nope~I'm not, but only a little busy. Haha

Busy with my last Trimester in Diploma~Busy with my part time job
Really tired~but I'm so happy that my daily life is full ^0^
I spend the money earned by me-myself~felt proud..haha
I did not use Baba's money~I'm big big girl now :-p

I should be preparing for my tomorrow Mid-term paper but I'm now blogging here right now. Lolzzz
Having assignment group discussion tonight but I haven't start the work yet >.<" What The .....
So may things I haven't settle down...haizzz
Please la~can you all queues up orderly...

I think I have to create a To-Do-List for me-myself >.<"

It is week 7 now~  still have still have 1 Mid-Term paper, 3 more Assignment, 2 more Presentation to go.
Trust Yourself~You Can Do It!!! ^_^ Cheer Up Babe! 
Ahha~not forgot my Training semester~I have to think deeply where should I go after this.

Have to prepare for group discussion later and tomorrow paper~Gambateh!!!

Good Luck~Wenye Oh!!

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