薏诉空间: 23/10/2012


23 October 2012

A belated post about graduation...not mine but others^o^
The result was released 2 week ago...
I didn't get the result I expected!! Sad case T.T"
Saw everyone posting about celebration~gathering~traveling...
Happy vs Sad @ Laughing vs Tearing
Envying them so much@.@"
Hope I can enjoy till max after this^,^

For my case...
I'm in Industrial Training period now...the situation was unexpected bad~very bad!
I can't manage to do what was assigned by Lady Boss!
The very 1st time I get into office work and now I'm officially an OL^,^
The 1st week was the worst period for me...
I wasted 1 week of time to adapt the works that assigned to me!!
So terrible me~Lady Boss almost get mad while briefing or teaching me@@
Thank you so much for your patient~^.^''

ps://The unsatisfied part is I need stay up to 1++hour for OT! Without paying me salary>.<'You should not treat me like this though I'm only trainee!!

My body condition now have been broke down till max!
Start from the final exam period until now working period...
I get injured~inside one! XDD
Seriously....did I bear too much of pressure on my shoulder??

What should I do to get my body recover???
I sleep at 10++pm and woke up 6 o'clock in the morning
Such a healthy life I have ever this...
But why my body react abnormally recently??

As u can see my face in the photos was so bad...hope it can be better soon.

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