薏诉空间: Life in Hell!!

Life in Hell!!

29 September 2012

Finally finished all the papers!
Finally can enjoy the holidays!
Finally the last trimester is ended!
Finally no need to burn midnight oil!

As I said, the last paper was absolutely difficult! And my coursework mark was bad...hope I can pass in this subject T.T Ms~please don't let me see you again in coming semester. I don't want to come back MMU just for retake this only one subject!

This few week was so suffer for me~as student we lack of sleep when exam period. For sure we will burning the midnight oil!!

That the main reason broken my body! My body condition was really really bad recently>.<''no matter the inner or outer! Exhausted till the MAxxXXX!!!

ps:// I ate 3 type of instant noodles in one day@@faint! Morning-HongKong wantan soup noodle Noon-MeeSedap fried noodle Night-MeeSedap Curry flavor
I swear I won't touch any instant noodles in future 3 months!!! Crazyyyy like hell!!

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