薏诉空间: 28th June 2013

28th June 2013

28 June 2013

Holla Peeps, I'm back =)

I'm in bad mood recently >,<! So annoyed, can't focus in doing "a" thing....who can please tell me what is happening?? Anyone..?? Absolutely hate this kind of feeling...going madness even a small matter..sigh @@''
It might be caused by the Hormonal Imbalance problems (My period was late....and its almost end of month already T.T) Emotional lost control, Pimples appear everywhere on my face....and I'm pretty sure it is hormonal problems!! Any idea or strategy to deal with this??! Felt so helpless...Save me please!!

All right, let's recall what's went through my mid of June.....

❤ I interviewed a part-time job yesterday, as a assistant in Cool Blog...no need more explanation right? Everyone knew about it...and yeah~hopes everything go smooth, Hope I can get the job.

❤ I joined an event held by CDP, it is a yearly event and I joined it 2 years ago... throwback HERE !!! It was fun, that's why I'm here again this year! There's new program added which is Rushing Student, and I been assigned in this group...kinda a game event for the student. (Will update about this after the event^^')

❤  It's W4 already, and we as student~started the so called busy study life....deals with assignment 1, 2, 3...having quizzes and Mid-termS, Case studies non-stop...bla bla bla (Suddenly felt 24 hours a day is not enough >.<!)

I'm a bit GanJiong now, worried about the time.....is my time management good enough to deal with all those stuff??! My answer is: "Although I'm not good in time manage, but I have to!! I'll manage all those well and done it maybe not Perfectly but Nicely!!"

Wish myself All the best & Gambateh!!!

 photo wenye.png

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