薏诉空间: Happy New Year

Happy New Year

01 January 2015

Happy 2015~lovely people =)

How's your countdown celebration? So obviously~it's gonna be so happening. Am I right~?! But some of you might not celebrating~due to the sadness got happened recently. Rip to those victims of QZ8501 and I'm feel sorry to those victims of flood.

Believe it or not~my end of 2014 was extremely bad...worst ever. Why said so~?
That's because my mid-term breaks was the assignment rushing week! Like waht I mentioned in previous post~zombie life. I spent the few last days of 2014 with instant noodles daily~Yes! Daily!! Can u imagine that~? Twice a day....even I knew the side effects though.

But the last day of 2014, I went Pizzahut for countdown dinner with Roomie. Lol. 
Still fast food....unhealthy level: M.A.X!!

Got the Beef pepperoni & Hawaiian chicken plus the chicken wings❤️Favourite all the time!

Back home after dinner~continue assignments....assignments! Non-stop...grrrr
After that~another major work is waiting.......Fyp!!

Well~stop that topic, enjoy the New Year! Wish all the best for 2015 to You & Me!

 photo wenye.png

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