薏诉空间: Happy 23rd to Me

Happy 23rd to Me

16 January 2015

Time flies~it's the 8402 days of my life since born, would like to appreciate my parents that gave birth to me and raised me up. They meant a lot to me, they are my role model, they are my motivation, they are my everything! I'm nothing without them...

No party and celebration as usual...(i know its sound so old) but~~whatever la =D

Got my 1st birthday gift from the lovely sister~my fave Kumaaaaa...can't resist with the cuteness of it❤❤❤
No explanation needed...it's so obviously a power bank

Gift from Roomie❤another series of Kumaaaaa collection(happy kid)(clapping hands)
Ok~I knew I'm kiddo
Macaron set from Nadeja, not really my taste(I'm sorry) but I do appreciate it!

Received this card on 16th Jan~from an Uni's friend that known in event, glad to know You❤Toh Sinyi
Its really touching, even it's just a simple DIY plain Birthday card.

I make a wish, hopes all people I know and around would be healthy for the rest of their life. 
Wealthy without Healthy is bullshit!!! Treasure/Cherish your life~your healthy!

 photo wenye.png

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