薏诉空间: 25 Apr 2011

25 Apr 2011

26 April 2011

Spend my last day in Sem3..not including Final day
(damnn fast~~1 sem is almost getting over...)
We enjoyed it wif movie and also stimbott >.<"
seems like our activity area juz include tis few oni....

~ M'cca Life ~
is like tat de la...hahaXDD

A Chinese Ghost story
(click in for the Nice movie's trailer ba^^)

hurm~tis movie is quite nice de...
funny~a bit scary (coz d sound) and touching^^

I'm over using my money tis few week.....
going to bankrupt lor T_T
coz I'm addicted in window shopping

reli have to learn the way how to save my money...
Any1 have good Idea for me??

For my mum~I Miz U Badly........How r u??^.^

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