薏诉空间: 27 Apr 2011

27 Apr 2011

27 April 2011

Yup~start my "Study Week" now...
Bek frm M'cca at 7  pm and reach Bahau bout 9pm..Yesterday
Went for PizzaHut,3 ppl spend RM91 Lol
(the most expensive Pizza I ate><")

Going to stay at my sweet home bout 2 weeks...
Hving my Final on 11 May....
Gud Luck for all of us^^

Aftr tat,sem Break!! XDDD
Planned to hve a trip to Genting Highland...
Going wif my "Uncle" and.....
Who're interested to join us...? U're welcome to do so^^

Hope our "Plan" will success la^.^

Wat I've to do now is juz do my revision well and complete my "task"
After my final,I can enjoy my holiday well and start my sem4><"

a bit hate to bek home coz I've to do a lot of housework!!
I'm not lazy to do all of tat, juz.....
I've to do everytime I bek home=="
Ya~I'm talking bout U!!
Lazy gul @@

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