薏诉空间: 29 Apr 2011

29 Apr 2011

29 April 2011


~Royal Wedding~

Prince Will & Kate Wedding Day

Eldest Son of Princess Diana...

Princess of  Wales, died as a result of injuries sustained in a car collision

on 31 Aug 1997

Princess Dianna....
(how pretty She is~~~@@)

Affectionate kiss...*_*

ps: I like tis pic...they look so sweet
Love their Big Smile ^_^


Finally I'm now can enjoying d time tat being alone....
since few month ago><"
I did somethin unethical thing juz now...
Don't blame me pls~~~
I learned all of tis from You!!
Finally I noe wats in ur mind now
Heart broken AGAIN...
Dunno whether my "Choice" is rite or wrong ><"

U said u're kinda of tired...

so~~~wat u're going to do??

Break up izit?????

ya~I admit tat I'm  not enuf understanding U

I not understand y u're so.........


Should I continue wif this?????

I'm not going to write wat happened between us in here....
and also in FB
Ya~~mayb I wrote a bit sensitive sentence....
but I not name Names

Blue color : emo-bad mood
D'fnt Color~D'fnt Mood.....
Wenye..1237 30-04-2011

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