薏诉空间: Study life?! First week?!

Study life?! First week?!

12 March 2013

Came to the 2nd day of my Degree study in MMU, so far so...good I guessed (lolz...)
Taking 2 subjects in this very 1st semester, thinking to add another additional but rejected by the Faculty!! DARN you MMU!!! (MoneyMakingUniversity >.<!!! such a nice and suitable name for it =D) Having class from Mon till Fri except for Wed =) (Yeah!!can go for movie with fair prices^0^v!)

The 1st subject is Fundamental of Business...so its all theory and absolutely BORING while the 2nd is Co-cu subject, I choose French for Communication and Culture ^.^ kinda challenging subjects. Attended to the 1st class today, not much on teaching but explaining the course structures and assessment. 

1st time to have foreign lecturer, 1st time attended to foreign language class..felt a little bit nervous and scared =D I felt that I fell in love with the lecturer!! OMFG What the hell I'm saying?!! I'm just so addicted to her!! I'm just so love the way she acting and talking! Hope I can be like her one day~Please Let Me Be!! Kinda exciting to learn a brand new language =) To be continue on this...

Everything went smoothly up until now and hope I can pass this trimester with the flying colors that I expected...at least CGPA > 3.0 My minimum target!! Study hard please though this is just short-semester!! No any excuse to absent class and lazy on revision! This is Degree its not more Diploma~Please!!!

No class on tomorrow but still need to awake early for settle out my study matters~haizz...energy wasted matters!! Need to walk-by here and there just for getting a form/paying a statement/submit the receipt..bla bla bla!!! Why don't You just build all the management office nearby or let them to be in the same building?!! Going up and down in same building is better instead of walking-by here and there, kinda tiring jobs You know??! Plus the weather of nowadays is freaking fuck HOT!!!

Its truth!! Malacca is DARN HOT!! Most of my course-mates/Uni-mates complaining about the fucking weather in their Fb/Twitter...I'm pretty sure the electric and water fees will increase for this month as everyone is suffering from the HOT! For sure people will keep switch-on the air-cond and keep bathing =D Rain 99 please T_T

It's time off to bed now, gonna save my energy for tomorrow "Survival"
ill update my next post "Holidays with sister- Malacca''
Stay Tuned ya =)

 photo wenye.png

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