薏诉空间: Uni Life 2013

Uni Life 2013

08 March 2013

Gonna start my Uni life very soon
Gonna take my actual offer letter
Gonna start the Deg study next week
Gonna fight with all the course-works, quizzes,mid-term
Gonna face the social/communication problems in groups..Perhaps?!
Gonna burn the mid-night oil for the Final

Provisional Offer Letter from MMU

To be honest, I'm quite nervous now....a bit GanJiong =.="

What to GanJiong about??! Am I crazy?!
Not the 1st time I been here but already 2++ years

Actually there's lots of problem I'm annoying >.<!
Worried about the subject registration system...(MMU system Sucks!!)
Worried about the pocket money...(Not getting a part time job yet...)
Worried about the daily expenses...(Spending money while no income T_T)
Worried about the study syllabus...(Heard Deg is more hard than Dip...praying 99)
Worried about these and that~bla bla bla @.@"

Spent a such long Holidays...1++months time
Staying at hometown....doing nothing!!
Eating~Outing~Moving~Sleeping (lolzz)
Kinda free and wasting all my time by doing non-sense thing (=.=")
Got nothing but increasing in my weight!! What the...#@!&$*!*#%

So Diet is one of the main subject in my 2013 resolution!!
Fighting~Fighting!! Complete all the Tasks within 2013 ^.^v

FYI, I'm using the Miyome cream for almost 1 weeks of time
So far~~I'm satisfied enough with the result!
As my skin is really terrible been destroyed by acne problems T_T
So I do believe it need times to recover @@"
Miyome~please save my skin!!! (begging hardly...)

Miyome Night Cream bought online

We had celebrated Baba & Wendy's Birthday earlier ^^"
As both of us need to attend school next week =.="

Used the old idea, cut down the whole house electricity
and then take out the cake with candle lighting^^

So happy Baba got the surprise!! (Yeah~!!)

OH's Family Selca x1

OH's Family Selca x2
Baba start to play with us in Selca =D

Wenye vs Mikey
As usual~capturing...capturing non-stop >.<"
My very 1st tried on Ice-Cream Fondue @@"
The Garden, Baskin Robin 
Selca again in bus =D
When the Girls got their new Accessories 

What Girls did on boring time~

Got Mikey her Fave's Mickey 3D puzzle
Cost me 80++ T_T

Gambateh! All the best in my New Uni Life =)
Good Luck!! 

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