薏诉空间: 17th July 2013

17th July 2013

17 July 2013

I woke up at 4am just now, continued my incomplete revision for tonight paper...sleepy like hell and luckily I can "key in" the point into my Mind ^.^ the funny thing is I cooked Mee Sedap as my breakfast at 5:30am...having RedBull as the drink @@" What?! Seriously?!

Having class before the exam, the exact subject for the Mid-term...instead of having revision class(MMU lec's style to have revision class right before the exam) he was teaching the new chapter which is not the syllabus in the paper later==" no one was paying attention while he's teaching(what a sad case =D)

In short, I'm quite satisfied with the paper ^,^' but....the outcome/result~I hope it's nice la

-The End-

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