Quite interesting job as I need to "Deal" with the kids age range between 7-12. Kinda weird when they're calling me teacher/胡老师 @@" not used to it
This job required a lots of patient and "fierce" as my senior told me, if you're kind/friendly with them...its hard for you to control them =="
So~as my observation on the 1st day...they're really "cow" which means naughty =D Girls likes to talk, chit-chat all the time and boys, fighting all the time..Oh my @@! The teachers shouting all the time...that's it!! Nice conclusion...Haha
Hope I can do well, and one interesting matter~I got a new nick name from the little devil boy named Adrian(I'm sure he'll be a handsome boy when he grown up ^^) and he named me "Baby teacher" because my pencil case & file holder are Rilakkuma. Kids are kids Lolz
-The End-