薏诉空间: CDP Intellectual Fiesta 2013 - Rushing Student

CDP Intellectual Fiesta 2013 - Rushing Student

17 August 2013

Yeap~it's 2nd time I joined this event since year...2011. I was selected by my dearest AA to join this event that time. I'm considered new at the moment =D so I just joined it since selected...and it was a good experience for me~1st event in the so called Uni.

This year~I joined it again! Accidentally saw a post from a friend, not that close but at least we knew each other =D she posting for recruiting committees...and without considering I joined!

Attended to the 1st meeting and of course met some old friend and lots of newbie...I'm old junior now Lolz
I been categorize to a group with all the old senior~and the group named "Rushing Student"

1st joined/heard this so called department~Rushing Student (It wasn't appear in the previous event I joined...)after all the briefing & introducing, I got to knew it is an game event, kind of introducing of the CDP event to everyone in the campus.

After half month, with all the preparation....meeting...discussion and bla bla bla
We decided to have our own fundraising~by having a food fair within the campus
Speak frankly, I having a superb busy daily routine in the month~August...
FYI, I started my part-time working while taking my Degree course...and not forgotten the duty time in food fair @@! I'm a Supergirl~call me SuperGirl =D

Without much more blabbering....here we go enjoying the flood of photos =)
Be ready....

15-17/8/2013 Rushing Student
15/8  8 pm onward~we started our last preparation for the event...

Wrapping hampers~as the gifts for all participants...

All of us are busy for designing our signboard >.<!!

Join Forces Team~ ~ ~ =)
"Signboard" for my station

Preparation before the game start =) 

Our Boss~Daniel...yoga posing ^.^

Games started~the best group I met on that day...Commitment!! LIKE 

Not forgotten~SS pictures =D (I took when resting time~ok! =P)
ps:// Lunch provided without spoon for chicken rice!! what the..... @@!

29/08/2013 BICC & Director Award

Selca with the new friends~juniors....

Selca x2  =P

The best partner Louis & Daniel...best friend they're!

This is what happen when the event ended~selca time XD
My collections all the time~gonna add them continuously!! =)

ps:// All the photo appear up there is taken by my phone, it's mine =P not "stolen" from others

Memorable Day

-The End-

 photo wenye.png