薏诉空间: Mawar Renal Medical Center

Mawar Renal Medical Center

09 August 2013

After 2+ years~once again I step in this place...the previous experience is my beloved mother been warded in here
Mawar~a private medical center/hospital founded by some one in M.C.A
Don't wanna to introduce him in here due to some issues....just goggling it if you wish to know who the guy is

Back to the topic~this time was my grandmother from mother' side....been warded in here due to health issue as she get a small/light/ not serious type of stroke
But yet~all of us are so worried just because she's old and weak...that's why T_T

Went to the ward, grandmother is acting like normally....Thanks God!
and...my uncle bring us to the resting space/room

We're getting shock due to the huge changes of there @@ unbelievable

Ok~let's take a look the environment.....

Another room~seems for VIP Lolz

Nice art indeed!

Room for kids...

Only for below 12 years old

SS time =D (silly face =D)

3 of Us...


Hansome Baba~

Short+Fat me >,<!

-The End-

 photo wenye.png