薏诉空间: Beginning of Semester Break

Beginning of Semester Break

25 September 2014

Yey~finally my hectic exam week has gone!! Now its time for holiday~~~yuhoo! **happy kid**
Planned to have a short trip with the lovely sister, yet our time crashed...and then we decided to have a half day trip to Muar, on next weekend perhaps =) can't wait that day to come.

Other than that~what I'm gonna do in this 3 weeks semester break? Some exercise to cut down weight perhaps =P since my weight seems increased due to the past 2 weeks. Lolzzz.

Diet is women's permanent job, like forever in their life. Even the 45kg girl, still yelling everyday and wanted to loss weight....

I found this on the web and its quite ironically >.<''
It states that Diet is a matter said by "fatty" yet it is done by the skinny
I think this statement says it so well...its truth XD

Tschüss~till then!

 photo wenye.png

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